Bold & Blue is a fictional fashion magazine I created to show people that blue does not have to be defined as masculine. Women can like blue and be bold in it.
Bold & Blue is a fictional fashion magazine I created to show people that blue does not have to be defined as masculine. Women can like blue and be bold in it.
Thimble Designs is a fictional clothing company. I was experimenting with fonts, gradients, colors, and shape.
Thimble Designs is a fictional clothing company. I was experimenting with fonts, gradients, colors, and shape.
Crepeccino is an actual restaurant in San Antonio, Texas. I was experimenting with scale, placement, alignment, and type style to create this menu.
Crepeccino is an actual restaurant in San Antonio, Texas. I was experimenting with scale, placement, alignment, and type style to create this menu.
For this postcard, I wanted it to look like a classic postcard, so I added a cursive font and bold letters. My goal is for people to see the postcard and want to grab it when they are in Australia so that they can send it to their family and friends.
For this postcard, I wanted it to look like a classic postcard, so I added a cursive font and bold letters. My goal is for people to see the postcard and want to grab it when they are in Australia so that they can send it to their family and friends.
This is the back of a postcard.
This is the back of a postcard.
All of these visuals were created in my Graphic Design class during my Spring 2022 semester. I created and edited the images using Adobe Photoshop and InDesign. 

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